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Transition planning requirements are coming

It won’t be long before we will learn what will be included in the final language of the 2014 Impact Legislation – but we can be sure of one thing – transition planning is going to be highly scrutinized under these new rules. Are you ready? How do you know? One way is to take a look at what your current facility practices are in relationship to what is coming. It is time to ask some tough questions. Let’s review a few key questions your organization needs to be asking in anticipation of the changes coming down the pike.

How well does your discharge planning process work? The rule is clear that an increase in the regulatory requirements for discharge planning is certain. It is recognized that there is a heightened need to ensure safe transitions of care, and that there is a need to strengthen the new requirements. Given the recent OIG findings on the deficiencies with current discharge planning practices, it can be assumed that providers will have to seriously evaluate their own current practices. It’s probably safe to say that evaluation should start now because it’s unlikely this rule change is going away.

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