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AHCA president rates hospital readmissions as #1 priority in 2016


AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson recently released a video to the association’s membership outlining suggested priorities for 2016. He rated hospital readmission as the top issue.

Parkinson states, “I would suggest that (rehospitalization rates) probably the most important thing providers should work on. It’s important that we do it right now, because not only do payers care about it right now, the measuring point appears to be from July 2016 so that you really have to be in pretty good shape with your rehospitalization rate by the time July 2016 rolls around.”

To view the video, visit this link.

Mark mentions there are a lot of tools out there that can help you develop a transition of care program. Our product, Engage, provides a transition-planning model that integrates the fundamental practices of good transition planning,  promotes standardization, is transparent throughout the organization, builds in accountability, provides process outcome measurement, and drives process improvement. How does this compare to what you are currently providing your patients? If your process could use help, be sure to contact us for a personal demo of our solutions today.

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