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Outside the Office
If you ask Cris what his priorities are the answer would be easy. It could be summed up in one word: Family. You’ll find him at the hockey rink coaching his son in the winter, watching his daughter dance any chance he gets, sitting on the sidelines of a soccer game in the summer, grabbing the family for a pontoon ride at the cabin or planning for an exciting annual family vacation. He brings his humor and quick wit to every situation, believing fully in the cliché that ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’.



Cris is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and holds a degree in Business Management.


Cris brings over twenty years in business management and residential construction, with the last five years focused on opportunities and challenges facing seniors living at home and in senior care settings. He understands the critical importance of maintaining and improving the physical and social aspects in the aging population as well as ensuring the safety of the living environment. His deep commitment to Align’s customers is seen in his ongoing drive to contribute to the success of Align.

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